arini xde tjuk tok entry kli ni
koz dh xtaw nk pkir tjuk ape
actually tension gler nie
lusa pekse kkq
mlas gler
tp 4 my family sake
i'll do the best among the best
i'll try my hard n try to beat farah n yana
skang cter psal SI Kacamata
nmpknyer dh 1 bln 1 mggu and 6 hri
kter bertelepati
sye msh tdak taw
blekah mase yg sesuai utk
brkta2 dgn kamu
mgkin lpas pekse nnt kot
mybe time pekse t
awk jd pe relis tension
does it okay??
kata hati ngada2 yg tkut ngan pekse and yg dh jtuh hati ngan Irwan:isau pekse and rindu awk