Tuesday, November 24, 2009

kecilokkan org pnyer

sweet words are easy to say
sweet things are easy to buy
but sweet people are difficult to find

life ends when you stop dreaming
hope ends when you stop believing
love ends when you stop crying
friendship ends when you stop sharing

share this with whoever you consider a friend

to love without condition
to talk without intention
to give without reason
to care without expectation


dari lama ke bru , dri sound gedik ke brutal

hahahaha rini tajuk blog pilik bin/binti benar

an sblm nie lau tlis blog msti gne nme naznin
tp lpas nie gne ko aq an best ckit
xde laaa hipokrit an (tol ke eja tu??)
hahaa wat ever

urm td pg tlg mcik kt skul
waduh2 (indon style) gler bpak pnat
tp seb bek dye blanja pizza hut yg bru kuar tu
ad laaa kurg ckit trase pnat tu
tp lpe take a picture

tp lau korg nk cbe
bleh2 xde mslh
tp kne abeskan kt kedai gak
lau bwak blik umh
alamatnyer keras mcm kuih bahulu bentat laaa plak
cheese dri cair kepada keras cm batu (effects kne lbih2)

tp bg spe2 yg xthan atau lpas mkan cheese mual
dnasihatkan jgn mkan
tp lau nk mkan gak
order laa air oyen
insyallah rase mual akan ilang....

mcm doktor

smpi sni ajer criter aq
t bler2 aq posting lg
spe2 alu2kan lah kwan2
anda menfollow saya
jgn isau
aq akn follow dorg gak