Friday, March 26, 2010

bakal dapat

ahad nie my mother and father
blikan enpun bwu tok sye
enpun LG Lollipop

sonoknyer xsbr2
cume skang tgh dilemma
nk wane pink ke biru ke itam???

tlglaaaaa saya!!!

Monday, March 22, 2010

kiki great day


today's kt skul great day gler

dpt 5 paper ujian td and i got 4A 1C
cume 1C tu jer yg xpuas hati ckit
tp time un ngah skit gg
so cm xleh fokus

oh so afraid to say to my mummy
bout the C.......

ah! xpelah dh lpas un an
ad lg 3 paper lum dpt

geo,kkq and agma
i hope all of them got A's......

chaiyok!!! :)

Saturday, March 20, 2010

it's mine

yes it's mine
it's mine


td bwu jer bkak blog cik terompah
smlm ade msuk contest yg dye wat
and i win

xsbr2 nk tggu surat dri cik terompah
thanks koz plih sye.......
nie lah adiah yg bkal sye dpt......


Friday, March 19, 2010

jum pg nak???

jum pg
jum pg
jum pg
jum pg

Pesta Buku !! kt PWTC

jum pg, utk memupuk budaya mmbaca
kot2 leh jmpe farihah iskandar ke
ainin naufal ke ain maisarah ke(dtglah lg skali)
owh bleh mntak tndatgn


awan nanges

awan nanges??

mlm nie ujan
trus xleh tgk astro
trlpas cter Three Brothers

best gak ujan
tringat dlu mse kt kmpung
ble ujan msti kuar umah
mandi air ujan
jmat air
ujan an lme
siap bwak kuar ag
shampoo and sabun

skang xleh mandi ujan
hujan dh asid

nk pg zaman ujan yg kter leh mandi air ujan tu....

Monday, March 15, 2010

dh lme asenyer

pnatnyer rini
td 2syen bm ngan sej kt skul

td sembang2 ngan BINGI's
cter psl mcm2 smpi laaa msuk bub ice cream

lmernyer xmkan ice cream
ase cm nk g mkn laaa
tp xnk ice cream p.cik motor

Baskin Robbins ker Mcdonald ke........

Jum Makan!!!

trus terang

owh rini nmpk smting yg wat cdey
nmpknyer dowg dh terang2 dh
xde smbunyi2 lg

owh knpe laaa rini sume cdey
ade due
tp yg latest nie lg cdey

should i give revenge??